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There are various scholarships available throughout the year for members and their families!  In order to receive scholarship applications, please call the union hall at 412-825-0923 and provide your name and address to be added to our list.  We will mail out all applications we receive to everyone on that list.  The applications generally show up in our office early in the year.  Please be sure to call and take yourself off of the list when you are no longer interested in scholarship opportunities.

Anyone with children who are Juniors this fall, please don't forget to take advantage of the Bates Scholarship (information below).  Many people miss it because they don't begin looking for scholarships until their children are Seniors.

The Bates Scholarship is offered by the International Union.  It is usually available around November, and is offered to children or step-children of members, who are Juniors and have taken the PSAT in October.  Information is available online:  Select Member Benefits, then Education, and finally Bates Scholarship.  The member's 6-digit I.U. number must be provided.